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How to build a wheelie bin store

Could a wheelie bin store be the answer to all your bin storage issues?

Wet n fix pads
My DIY wheelie bin store

A wheelie bin store is usually a good idea because it can help improve your home’s storage and organisation but unlike installing a pull-out in-cupboard bin or organising your under-sink cupboard, this DIY project is out on display so everyone can enjoy the improved aesthetics. 

If your local council is anything like mine, the bins just keep coming! First, there was the green one (fine), then the brown one (ok, two bins is probably enough), then the black one (really!), the numerous green plastic recycling boxes (argh!) and a food bin (I’m done!).

Whilst I’m not opposed to the bins in principle, in fact, I love the strategy to improve the amount we recycle, the problem comes with storing them as they take up a lot of space and can look cluttered, especially after bin day when they are left strewn all over the place after they’ve been emptied!

How to build a DIY wheelie bin store. 

A couple of years ago, determined to deal with the ever-growing bin-related chaos (dubbed bin-a-geddon by Mr D!), I built a DIY wheelie bin store with timber from my local DIY store. It was such a successful project as it provided an organised structure to place the bins into every day and improved the look of the bin area by introducing a bit of colour from the painted timber and the plants I homed in the planter along the top. 

I feel like we might have more than the average number of wheelie bins, so if you are lucky enough to have only one or two to house, then this DIY project becomes even easier and you’ll be able to simplify the design by adding less compartments. If you’re not quite sure if a DIY wheelie bin store is for you, then pop over to the 4 reasons a bin store is a good idea post I wrote. If you are already on board, then go grab your tools, we have some DIY to do.

Shopping List Tools 


  • Constructional timber to make the frame with
  • Timber for the side of the wheelie bin store
  • Paint – you’ll need exterior wood paint – I used this one…
  • Wood for planters – I used any offcuts and leftovers I could find to save money. 
  • Wood screws (lots!) and don’t forget some really long (8cm+ ones too)
  • Plant liners for the planters
  • Compost
  • Plants

1. Sketch out a plan

As I mentioned, it’s best to plan your wheelie bin store to fit your specifics eg how many bins you have, consider the available space, think about whether you want a solid roof of planters, decide whether to house food bins or recycling boxes on tiers. Once you have your brief, sketch out a basic plan of the shape and structure, making sure you have sufficient support and reinforcements so the structure won’t be flimsy or wobble.

2. Calculate the detailed dimensions

Once you know the shape and size of your wheelie bin store, measure all your bins and the available space and decide on the timber you plan to use. You need to know the timber sizes before you get into the measurements because you’ll need to factor in the width of the lengths into the overall length and height of the store.

Once you have all the measurements you can draw the wheelie bin store to scale, recording the exact measurements of each piece as this will form your cutting guide. The detailed drawing allows you to calculate the exact amount of timber you’ll need, although I recommend buying a bit extra in case you need it.

3. Gather tools and materials

Tools and materials for a DIY wheelie bin store

Once you have your detailed plan, buy all the tools and materials you need and check everything is present and correct before you start the DIY.

4. Cut the timber according to your cutting plan

Once you have your cutting guide, you’ll know how many lengths you need of each size, so it saves time to cut them all out ready. I used a workbench with clamps to keep the timber in place while I cut.

5. Build the frame

Main frame for DIY wheelie bin store

Assemble the frame using the cut lengths of timber. Check all our pieces are sturdy and square. Attach the pieces with screws or nails. I chose long wood screws and added corner braces for extra security. 

Corner brace on main frame of DIY wheelie bin store

6. Build the end panels

Slatted end panels for DIY wheelie bin store
Wheelie bin store end panel with slats

I built two end panels and added slats for support and aesthetics, then built a further two without the slats as they would form the central shelf for the green recycling boxes and the food waste caddies.

7. Build the inner shelves

central shelf for wheelie bin store
central shelf for wheelie bin store

I decided to build an inner shelf structure for extra stability and to house the green recycling bins and smaller food waste caddy. You might choose not to add this piece to your wheelie bin store. 

8. Build the wheelie bin store roof

DIY planter for wheelie bin store made from offcuts
planter roof for wheelie bin store

You might choose to create a roof frame from timber and roofing material; if you do,  ensure the roof slopes slightly to allow water drainage. I thought it would be cool to have a living roof, so I made planters from leftovers and offcuts of wood from previous projects. I lined the planters and filled them with compost and plants. 

9. Paint or Stain your wheelie bin store

Painting the wheelie bin store

Painting or staining the timber will help it survive the elements better and can add a pop of colour to your bin area. I painted in Ronseal garden paint shade Willow and it’s still looking fab 18 months later. 

The results

Finished wheelie bin store with planter roof

I was really happy with the results as it was a quick and straightforward build. The only slightly tricky bit was connecting the end panels, where I needed another pair of hands to help keep the panels in position while I drilled the screws in.

Top Tips for building a wheelie bin store

  • Use long screws for extra stability
  • Get an electric screwdriver if you can as having to keep swapping drill bits between the drill and screwdriver bit adds time and is fiddly. There are a lot of bog screws in this project so it’s worth investing in the tools to make your life easier.
  • The wheelie bin store is heavy once built, so connect all the panels in the place where you want it to go to save carrying it.
  • Drill pilot holes for your screws as this will make life much easier.
  • Use a template block to ensure the gaps between your slats are equal and uniform.
  • Check any restrictions or regulations where you live that might prohibit you from building one.

How can I hide my bins cheaply?

Hiding your bins doesn’t necessarily have to be an expensive DIY project. With a bit of imagination and creativity, you can create a cool shelter or screen to hide your wheelie bins. 

Here are some ideas…

Privacy Screens

Use pre-made privacy screens or build your own with inexpensive materials like bamboo fencing. Place the screens strategically to create a barrier around your bins.


Attach a trellis near your bins and train climbing plants eg ivy, to grow on it. Not only does this provide a natural screen, but it also adds a touch of greenery to your space.

Fence Panels

Use standard fence panels to build a bin shed, as shown above. 

Repurpose pallets

Repurpose wooden pallets to create a simple bin holder. Arrange the pallets to form a box-like structure around the bins. This can be a quick and cost-effective solution.

Camouflage with Plants

Plant tall, dense shrubs or tall potted plants strategically to obscure the view of your bins. This solution can be the prettiest to look at. 

How can I disguise my wheelie bins?

A DIY wheelie bin store is a great way to disguise your wheelie bins, but if DIY is not your thing and pre-built wheelie bin sheds are out of your price bracket, you could opt for a more creative and budget-friendly option like creating a privacy screen or even painting or wrapping your wheelie bins in camouflage. 

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