How to install a pull-out bin in a kitchen cupboard
A pull-out bin could be the solution if you find bins unsightly or simply don’t have any spare floor space in your kitchen.
What’s so special about a pull-out bin in a kitchen cupboard?

Call me sad, but I’ve wanted an in-cupboard bin for ages! We have a fair amount of cupboard space, for what is not a huge kitchen, but we don’t have any spare floor space due to a side door and thoroughfare down the middle. This layout has made bins a bit tricky and has often resulted in a carrier bag being hooked on the handle of the side door.
I searched for ages for a reasonably priced in-cupboard bin but didn’t have much luck. I thought the £50 mark should be more than adequate to spend on a rubbish bin but boy was I wrong! Most bins with separate compartments (to help organise the (many) categories of recycling we now have), that also screw securely into place and aren’t tiny (I wanted 2 x 20litre bins at least) were over £100 and in some cases by a hefty margin. Sorry if this level of detailed bin chat is too much for you(!), but I’m assuming you’re here because you are in the same boat so I’m going to share my findings! If you already have the bin and just want the ‘how to’, scroll down!
Where did you buy your in-cupboard bin?

In the end, I found one on Amazon that ticked nearly all the boxes. At £61.99 it was more than I wanted to spend and in an ideal world, I’d like one that’s a bit taller (more on that in a minute). It was the best available and after trawling the internet and visiting many bricks and mortar shops as well, decided that it was going to have to do. I had it as a birthday present which is probably the saddest, most middle-aged thing I’ve ever done, goodness knows what presents I’ll be choosing in my forties…
How to install a pull-out bin in a kitchen cupboard
Step 1: Unpack and assemble

Take the pieces out the box and check off against the list on the instructions (nothing more annoying than finding out something is missing when you’re half way through the install).
Click the bin handles into the inner parts of the bins and pull up into position. You know they are in correctly when they can stand up on their own as shown in the picture below.
Step 2: Secure the frame

The frame of the pull-out bin is very sturdy and secure once attached to the cupboard carcass and it’s a very easy process. Start by placing in the cupboard and checking it all fits correctly. When you are happy the frame is straight and correctly in position, screw it into the base of the cupboard with the six screws that come in the kit. Attach the bin to the side of the cupboard using the bracket enclosed.
Step 3: Insert the bin compartments

Put the two compartments into the pull-out section and check the bin opens and shuts correctly before adding bin bag(s) if you are planning to use them (if you are using this bin for recycling only you might not need them. I’m using the front compartment for rubbish and the second one for plastic recycling.
Step 4: Use all the space

As I mentioned earlier, one of the slight irks about this pull-out bin in a kitchen cupboard is that it’s not the full height of the inside of the cupboard. To combat this, I’ve placed a recycling box on top of the bin to store my (flat-packed) cardboard. That way there isn’t any wasted space as that is just annoying!
On the subject of bins you might like to read about how to build a DIY wheelie bin store.
On the subject of kitchen organising and revamping, you might like to read these…
kitchen breakfast bar inspiration
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I hope this was helpful.
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