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How to make cement vases with microcement

Microcement hack: turn old napkins into stylish cement or concrete pots or vases using.

Cement vase made from cloth and microcement

Why make cement vases from cloth?

Regular readers will know that I’m a bit obsessed with microcement. Not only have I revamped my whole kitchen with microcement, but I’ve also made a coffee table and fridge surround. After finishing my most recent project, I had a bit left over, so I started experimenting to see if I could make some pots with the rest of the kit and some old cloth napkins. The results were quite exciting, especially for a first attempt, so I decided to share them here as I know many of you enjoy a good DIY or craft project. I’m calling it Cement Cloth Decor!

How to make cement vases

Below are the instructions for creating your own cement vases or pots. You can improvise a lot with this DIY project – just use any fabric you have going spare.

You will need

I used the last bit of my off-white, polished concrete microcement kit from Concrete Lab. They do a sample kit if you want to buy it specifically to make smaller decor items. (This isn’t an ad but you can get 10% off with the code CDS10 – just pop it in at the checkout.)

Alternatively, you’ll need some form of concrete powder & water

– Fabric cloth (cut into squares for the size of vase or pot you want to make)

– Gloves

– Stirrer (can be an old spoon or stick)

– Paintbrush

– A piece of string or ribbon

– Paint to finish (optional)

– A pot or vase to use as a mould

– Some cling film or a plastic bag

– Something to raise the mould off the table eg another pot of similar width.

Step 1: Prep time

cloth laid out ready to make concrete cloth pots with

Microcementing can be quite messy, so you’ll need to cover the surface of the area you plan to make your DIY cement vases on. You also need a plastic sheet (or bag cut into a sheet) to cover the item you use as a mould. Before you start, make sure you have everything you need to hand

Mix up your concrete mix according to the instructions. The kit I used simply required the resin liquid to be mixed with the powder. As this project required a more diluted form of microcement I added extra water.

Step 2: Prep your fabric and mould

The next step for your DIY cement vases is to place the fabric into the liquid concrete mixture and make sure it absorbs it well and that all of the material is covered. Move the fabric around in the mix to check there are no dry areas.

Unless you are using a tall vase for the mould, you need to raise the item you are covering off the table so the top of your pot can stretch out. Therefore, I placed it on top of a candle holder to achieve the extra height.

Pot of microcement with spreading spatula

Cover the item you are using as a mould with plastic to protect it from the concrete mix.

Step 3: Apply the microcement

Wearing gloves, lift the fabric out of the microcement mixture and place over the mould. Arrange the folds of the fabric in the style you want, pinching and pleating neatly and evenly for the perfect final results.

Using a paintbrush, layer up more of the microcement mixture on to the neatly arranged fabric (napkin in my case).

Paintbrush applying concrete mixture to fabric

Leave to dry and harden. You might choose to tie around the neck of the vase with a piece of string or ribbon if you want a tall, narrow shape at the end.

Once dry, coat with a layer of primer and allow to dry before laying up more microcement mixture.

Once the second application of microcement has dried, lift the vase off the mould and turn up the right way. Layer microcement on the inside using the paint brush and allow to dry.

Concrete cloth pot

Step 4: Finishing touches

Once dry, you could opt to paint your cement vase/pot/sculpture.

Concrete cloth pot with green candles in front and shelves behind

As you can see this is a really simple, messy, fun little project that will save you money on buying lots of new accessories and homeware.

Textured paint effects for DIY cement vases

Another similar project you might like is creating a textured paint effect on a vase by adding baking soda to paint or by layering up paper and wallpaper paste onto a vase and painting over it to create an artisanal look. Read the tutorial for these paint effects here.

Thanks so much for reading. I’d love to keep you up to date with future DIY, decorating, interior styling, and upcycling projects, if you would like to receive my (not more than weekly & no spamming I promise) emails then please subscribe (scroll down to the box at the bottom of the page).

Where next?

Below are some other microcement-related posts you might enjoy.

DIY coffee station

Kitchen revamp the results

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